Is it Florida or is it Rhus Tox?

Here I sit in the Sunshine State, which is finally sunny after two very cloudy and windy days, and I realize that my scalp doesn’t hurt as much as it has in the past. Hmmm…I took my first dose of Rhus tox (poison ivy) a week ago Monday and my second dose last night (sorry,Continue reading “Is it Florida or is it Rhus Tox?”

It all boils down to customer service! by Liz Saunders

The trip is over.  I type this sitting on the floor of the plane because we’ve got the best leg room ever  right beside the emergency exit.  But I’ve never seen this much leg room, it’s awesome.  One of the best things of this trip. The ship was quite impressive compared to the tug boatContinue reading “It all boils down to customer service! by Liz Saunders”

And the journey continues….by Liz Saunders

It’s now been 17 days since I took the B.C.  I had a meeting with Witch Keila on day 12 and she tells me that based on certain incidents over the first 12 days, it’s working.  For the record, despite my threat to Google B.C., I have restrained myself. I mentioned in a previous postContinue reading “And the journey continues….by Liz Saunders”

B.C plus 3 by Liz Saunders

Wow, I did not sleep well Friday night.    Sometimes my Restless Leg Syndrome actually affects my back – don’t ask me how – and I end up with back twitchies.  Not sure if I was over tired or this has anything to do with B.C.  In any event, I slept on a golf ball forContinue reading “B.C plus 3 by Liz Saunders”

Travelling to Newfoundland – for 24 hours

Well, finally a reason to like my MacBook Air…it fits on the tray of an airplane seat – even when the seat in front of me is reclining as far back as it can go. I am about a third of the way to St. John’s. The man beside me is sleeping, the man acrossContinue reading “Travelling to Newfoundland – for 24 hours”

YAY! We finally have an air date!

Finally an air date!  The series starts on W Network on April 7th at 8 p.m. and we’re going to be the 10th episode.  So, if the schedule goes according to plan, that means the RLS show will be on June 16th!  But don’t rely on my counting abilities.  Check out the rest of theContinue reading “YAY! We finally have an air date!”

Poison Ivy? Who’da thought?

Woke up Tuesday night/Wednesday morning back in July at 2:30 a.m. and thought oh no, here we go again.  Then I realized that I was awake because my back was killing me.  Tossed and turned for 2 hours and finally succumbed and took a Tylenol 3.   On Wednesday I had my last official appointment with Dr.Continue reading “Poison Ivy? Who’da thought?”

It’s been a while and it’s almost over…

After my really bad weekend back in May, there just hasn’t been much to report.  There have been a few bouts of twitchies, but they are definitely few and far between.  Episodes Monday and Tuesday night about two weeks ago, but they were relatively mild.  Really nothing to report.  Which is great! Until this weekContinue reading “It’s been a while and it’s almost over…”